BB Consulting is a Slovenian based consulting company, established in 2000.
The team is made of four experienced consultants, trainers and managers with diverse backgrounds, experience and interests. The company focuses on personal development, organizational development and organizational transformations by developing programs, workshops, coaching and ad-hoc consultations with organizations that are interested in change. The first step is to focus on individuals’ potential, and challenge participants to evaluate their existing behavioural and communication patterns to overcome the boundaries of their comfort zone. To do so, BB Consulting organizes training and workshops on teamwork & team role, leadership, communication skills, design and implementation of learning programs, organizational culture transformations, promotion of competencies models for the future workplace/future thinking/sustainability trends and strategies. Through this work, BB Consulting has developed an inhouse model of business and organizational transformation, which is based on numerous successfully implemented projects. The core element of the methodology is identifying the existing potential through stakeholder dialogue and its potential for further development.
In the past 20 years, BB Consulting cooperated with over 170 partners, the team implements approx. 3000 billed consulting hours and 50+ pro bono consulting hours yearly. We work with multinational companies, family-owned propulsive businesses, as well as NGOs and public institutions. BB Consulting has extensive experience in leading complex projects and group programs on an executive level. The majority of the projects include multi-year engagements with individual clients and have the mandate to influence organizational culture arrangements, as well as systems and processes (mainly in the area of human resource management). The largest project was the transformation of the Slovenian glassware company Steklarna Hrastnik.
BB Consulting role in the project Stay on
BB Consulting will carry responsibility for knowledge and skills transfer to and among project partners through coaching (individual and group), design thinking and agile project work. More specifically, BB Consulting’s team will lead the design of a personal development model and train-the-trainers program for soft skills development of future rural change agents. The organization will also undertake activities aimed at strengthening the partnership. Since project teams function better through good communication, BB Consulting will be responsible for moderating online channels’ internal communication. For example, by preparing and sharing discussion rules, and enacting non-verbal and visualization methods to help verbal communication. BB Consulting will also moderate project events and foster the development of personal relationships by organizing games, dialogues, thematic dinners, reflection, etc. Thanks to BB Consulting’s role, the project team will learn how to effectively produce results at every meeting.

StayOn personal development tool: The Shapers
NewsBB Consulting, the knowledge transfer partner in the StayOn project, has created a personal development tool in the form of a card game, called The Shapers – cards for shaping your future. The card game was developed as a tool for StayOn coaches, who work with...