
The StayOn Experience

NewsThe StayOn team is happy to share with you the communication project “The StayOn Experience”.  As the activities go on, we ask our stakeholders to record a short video about their direct experience in the project (as participants, trainers, coaches…) or we ask...

Start of training in all countries

NewsThere’s excitement amongst the StayOn Project partners as we commence the project’s training phase. It can be hard for our young people to gain employment within their rural communities, but our training workshops foster youth empowerment by providing adequate...

StayOn First knowledge transfer workshop in Slovenia

NewsIn the fifth month of the StayOn project, Slovenia hosted the first knowledge transfer workshop which took place from 3rd to 4th March in the beautiful surroundings of Ribno, Bled. The workshop was designed to offer coaches in the program, as well as project...

EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment

Stay – on Newsletter 27.06.2024 Call no: 2020 – 1 Project Index No: 2020 – 1 – 0181 Lead partner: REZOS BRANDS ANONYMI EMPORIKI ETERIA IDON DIATROFIS ECSF NEWS#1At the ECSF, Giulia is thrilled that her book, a significant part of the StayOn journey, has been...

EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment

Stay – on Newsletter 24.06.2024 Call no: 2020 – 1 Project Index No: 2020 – 1 – 0181 Lead partner: REZOS BRANDS ANONYMI EMPORIKI ETERIA IDON DIATROFIS BB Consulting NEWS#1At BB we are proud of our role in the StayOn project as a relationship building and knowledge...

EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment

Stay – on Newsletter 21.06.2024 Call no: 2020 – 1 Project Index No: 2020 – 1 – 0181 Lead partner: REZOS BRANDS ANONYMI EMPORIKI ETERIA IDON DIATROFIS ATIS NEWS#1Hello everyone!☀️ Summer is just around the corner here in Sicily, and we are thrilled to kick off a season...

EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment

Stay – on Newsletter 20.06.2024 Call no: 2020 – 1 Project Index No: 2020 – 1 – 0181 Lead partner: REZOS BRANDS ANONYMI EMPORIKI ETERIA IDON DIATROFIS POLISH FARM NEWS#1The Polish Farm Advisory is the coordinator of the SUST-AID (Environmentally Sustainable Food Aid...

EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment

Stay – on Newsletter 17.06.2024 Call no: 2020 – 1 Project Index No: 2020 – 1 – 0181 Lead partner: REZOS BRANDS ANONYMI EMPORIKI ETERIA IDON DIATROFIS MEATH NEWS#1Regarding our integration work, Meath Partnership are delighted to have been awarded two new projects;...

EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment

Stay – on Newsletter 13.06.2024 Call no: 2020 – 1 Project Index No: 2020 – 1 – 0181 Lead partner: REZOS BRANDS ANONYMI EMPORIKI ETERIA IDON DIATROFIS CRESACOR NEWS#1CRESAÇOR is a finalist in the AHRESP (Association of Hotels, Restaurants and Similar Establishments of...

EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment

Stay – on Newsletter 10.06.2024 Call no: 2020 – 1 Project Index No: 2020 – 1 – 0181 Lead partner: REZOS BRANDS ANONYMI EMPORIKI ETERIA IDON DIATROFIS REZOS BRANDS ANONYMI EMPORIKI ETERIA IDON DIATROFIS NEWS#1Rezos Brands continues to support the development of skills...

StayOn Impact Webinar: Creating value through impact management

NewsStayOn Impact Webinar: Creating value through impact management Hosted by Giulia Parola from the ECSF GmbH (Germany) on the 26th of October, 2023, StayOn Impact Webinar was a comprehensive journey into understanding how organizations and projects can benefit from...

Challenges & Opportunities: Lessons learned by the StayOn partners

NewsAs our project is entering the final phase of the implementation, it is time to learn from our challenges and build on the opportunities. The Annual FO seminar with the topic 'Celebrating the European Year of Skills' was a good nudge for us to reflect on the work...

3rd  StayOn Knowledge transfer workshop took place in Poland

NewsStayOn Knowledge transfer workshop III took place in Poland on 25-26 September 2023. The event was attended by representatives of all 8 project partners from 7 countries. The meeting was divided into two days. On the first day the project partners met in Łomża,...

Community Walking Week

NewsBetween Thinking and Doing there is a Way to Go! What a week! Inspired by the design thinking methodology, young people from the islands of São Miguel and Terceira were challenged by the mentor Ricardo Freitas to identify, reflect on and build answers to the...

Winding Roads: Metaphors in NEETs’ Employment Journeys

NewsThree illustrations reproducing the images selected by the participants in the study Giulia Parola, in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Thaler and Matteo Solivo, recently co-authored a study published in the Journal of Career Assessment. This journal is known for its...

Field workshop for Polish NEETs in StayOn project

NewsAs part of a group session in the StayOn project, on 15 June the Polish Farm Advisory and Training Centre took 20 NEETs to a Field Workshop entitled "Choosing the right crop varieties and using the right machinery to guarantee the adaptation of agriculture to...

Science closer to business – student closer to labour market

NewsOn 14 June 2023, Natalia Truszkowska, director and coach of the Polish Farm Advisory and Training Centre, took part in a business breakfast combined with a debate entitled 'Science closer to business - student closer to the labour market' that took place in Łomża....

StayOn WorldTea and Mid-Term Conference

NewsOver 100 people were together for a more inclusive, active and creative world! The International Conference and World Tea, of the StayOn project, took place on the island of São Miguel, Azores, at the Maia Tobacco Museum, with the aim of bringing to debate the...

Co-innovation lab in Italy: a real success!

NewsThe first training cycle in Italy has recently ended. One of the courses on offer was "Communication with Images: Photography Lab" : the course was aimed at providing practical training to participants on the basics of photography, with an emphasis on...

Η εκπαιδευτική μας προσφορά

Η εκπαιδευτική μας προσφορά Training and Certification in Food Industry focusing on Environmental Sustainability: Chapter 1 Environment and ProductionThe focus is on Environmental Sustainability in Food Production and with which methodologies and systems could be...

The First StayOn Co-Innovation Labs phase has finished!

NewsThe first StayOn Co-Innovation Labs have just finished, and they were a great success!The project partners engaged the Community Shapers in “Co-Innovation labs” aimed at involving the target group in creating a service or product or developing an ideal useful for...

StayOn project attended Fourth annual thematic seminar for Regional Funds projects in Brussels

NewsStayOn delegation Uršula Butkovič (BB Consulting) and Stephanie Kirwan (Meath Partnership) attended the Annual FO meeting in Brussels from 13 to 14 December. The meeting celebrated the European Year of Youth. The meeting brought together various youth projects,...

StayOn personal development tool: The Shapers

NewsBB Consulting, the knowledge transfer partner in the StayOn project, has created a personal development tool in the form of a card game, called The Shapers – cards for shaping your future. The card game was developed as a tool for StayOn coaches, who work with...

StayOn 2nd Knowledge Transfer Workshop – Ireland

NewsAs we enter year two of the StayOn project, Meath Partnership hosted the second knowledge transfer workshop in Ireland on October 6th and 7th, 2022. The workshop was designed to bring together our project partners from Greece, Slovenia, Italy, Ireland, Poland,...

On nudges, pushes and shoves: The rise and fall of projects

News Giulia Parola, Dr. Wolfgang Spiess-Knafl (ECSF at Munich Business School) and Prof. Dr. Julia Thaler (Bundeswehr University Munich) have recently published the article "The Butterfly Effect: How Academics' and Practitioners' Micro-practices Shape Turning Points...

Crucial potentials to unlock youth empowerment in five European rural areas

NewsWorldwide rural communities face interrelated economic, social, and ecological challenges. The project StayOn's ultimate objective is to create conditions that enable young people to "stay on" rural areas by ensuring access to opportunities, benefits, services,...

Joana: a story of success

News   The main goal of the StayOn project is to empower young people, giving them the chance to stay on their land, helping them to get access to work and opportunities without going away from their communities. The first training and coaching sessions have been...

Nasza oferta szkoleniowa

Nasza oferta szkoleniowa The Polish Farm Advisory and Training Centre not for profit sp. z o.o. w ramach projektu Stay-on przygotowało zestawy materiałów szkoleniowo-treningowych.Podczas szkoleń poruszamy między innymi następujące tematy:   identyfikacja potrzeb...

La nostra offerta formativa

La nostra offerta formativa Mastro d'ascia   Il corso si terrà nella città balneare di Acitrezza. L'obiettivo della formazione è quello di trasmettere ai partecipanti l'antica arte della realizzazione di barche a vela e a barche a remi. La famiglia Rodolico svolge...

StayOn Project and partnership work inspire

NewsWe are delighted to share with you a lift-you-up poem, written by buddy partners Jennifer Smith (Meath Partnership) and Dimitrios Tsolis (Rezos Brands) as a surprise in the form of a song for all the partners of the StayOn project. While we work together across...

A nossa oferta formativa

A nossa oferta formativa Língua Portuguesa - Eu e a minha rotina diária - 25hOs objetivos do curso: A formação, com carga horária de 25 horas, tem como objetivo: proporcionar aos/às formandos/as o conhecimento básico da língua portuguesa.  Conteúdos programáticos:...

Our Training Offer

Our training offerAt Meath Partnership, our StayOn participants took part in one of our training workshops and gained valuable and necessary skills for specific areas of the Irish rural labour market. Gel Polish Workshop Anatomy, diseases & disorders of natural...

Managing impact: the story of a success

NewsOn 9 December at 10 AM, the Regional Funds Week hosted the virtual roundtable “Managing impact: the story of a success”, an event organized by the YES!, Stay-on and FOLM projects. The roundtable discussion – moderated by Giulia Parola – focused on defining the...

Regional Funds Week

NewsThe StayOn project will take part to the Regional Funds Week(6th - 10th December 2021): an innovative initiative – while still virtual – organised by the Fund Operator for Fund for Youth Employment and Fund for Regional Cooperation together with the Projects’...

Stay – on” Project’s hybrid Kick – off meeting

NewsOn 14 - 15 October 2021, the “Stay – on” Project’s hybrid Kick – off meeting was successfully conducted on the premises of the Lead Partner Rezos Brands, in Patras, Greece. The “Stay – on” Project, fully entitled “A community – based and driven project”, funded...
StayOn WorldTea and Mid-Term Conference

StayOn WorldTea and Mid-Term Conference

NewsOver 100 people were together for a more inclusive, active and creative world! The International Conference and World Tea, of the StayOn project, took place on the island of...



La Sicilia investe sulle aree rurali: corsi e iniziative europee per giovani disoccupati

La Regione Siciliana scommette sulle aree rurali e promuove StayOn, un progetto che vede la cooperazione di 7 paesi dell’Unione Europea (Grecia, Italia, Irlanda, Polonia, Portogallo, Germania e Slovenia), con l’obiettivo di creare condizioni favorevoli affinché i giovani vengano impiegati nei loro territori, offrendo loro opportunità, benefici e servizi.

Palermo Today

Lavoro, la Regione promuove un progetto internazionale rivolto ai giovani disoccupati

La Regione si fa promotrice di un progetto internazionale che vede la collaborazione di sette Paesi dell’Unione europea per creare condizioni favorevoli affinché i giovani disoccupati di questi territori possano trovare un impiego. Si chiama StayOn e vede coinvolti Grecia, Italia, Irlanda, Polonia, Portogallo, Germania e Slovenia con l’obiettivo di offrire opportunità soprattutto nelle zone rurali in cui una percentuale significativa della popolazione è esposta al rischio di esclusione sociale e in cui vi è una presenza più elevata di giovani Neet (Not in Education, Employment, or Training), ovvero giovani che sono disoccupati e non stanno ricevendo un’istruzione o una formazione professionale.

Irish Farmers Journal

Rural youth unemployment is causing concern

Youth unemployment has become a persistent problem in Ireland in recent years, with a significantly higher rate of joblessness among those aged 15 to 24 years old compared to the overall unemployment rate in the country.
The latest data from the Central Statistics Office (CSO) shows that the youth unemployment rate in Ireland stood at 18.1% in December 2022, compared to the overall unemployment rate of 5.3% for the same period.

Terrà Blog

Associazione ATIS e Regione Siciliana, partner italiani del progetto, volano alle Azzorre per la prima Conferenza Internazionale

Con il progetto StayOn, i giovani NEET che vivono nelle aree rurali non sono più costretti a lasciare la loro terra. Il progetto, finanziato da Islanda, Liechtenstein e Norvegia attraverso il Fondo EEA and Norway Grants for Youth Employment, coinvolge 7 Paesi europei e il suo obiettivo è garantire ai giovani l’accesso a opportunità, benefici, servizi e posti di lavoro.

Terrà Blog

La Sicilia scommette sulle aree rurali, le opportunità di StayOn per i giovani

StayOn opera nei territori dell’Unione europea con particolare attenzione alle zone rurali che hanno una percentuale maggiore della popolazione esposta al rischio di esclusione sociale e una percentuale più elevata di NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training, ovvero persona disoccupata che non riceve un’istruzione o una formazione professionale).

RTP Açores

Taxa de jovens NEET nos Açores acima da taxa nacional e média europeia

Nos Açores, a percentagem de jovens que não estudam, não trabalham e nem frequentam formação é de cerca de 17% – um valor superior tanto à taxa nacional como à média europeia.

Para combater esta realidade, o Projeto Stay On tem vindo a apostar na formação e orientação de jovens.

