Association Atis is an employment agency (Agenzia per il Lavoro, APL) founded in 2003 in Palermo in the northwest of the island of Sicily, Italy. More specifically, the organization promotes youth employment interventions aimed at young people at-risk.
Association Atis offers different types of services for youth, among which we mention: reception and initial advice, individual and group interviews, reconstruction of training and work experiences for CV writing, facilitation in the formal recognition of skills, guidance in the definition of a professional project, support in drafting a skills portfolio, promotion and scouting, monitoring of match between local supply and demand of labour, a variety of training courses aimed at skills assessment and development.
Association Atis will take on the role of community catalyst partner in the project, acting as a change agent that unlocks youth potential and assumes the responsibility
for managing change activities in a community.
The organization is able to smoothly implement the project’s activities, starting with effective search and recruitment of young people under 30 years of age belonging to the rural communities identified to counteract rural
flight. Thanks to its in-depth knowledge of the local territory and close ties to local communities, Association Atis can reach vulnerable young people effectively. Building on its competences from previous experiences, Association Atis will offer ad hoc training courses to foster skills related to the professional opportunities available on the territory to promote long-term inclusion in the local labour market. The training courses will be coupled with mentoring and coaching that will run simultaneously to the training and continue throughout the remainder of the programme, including during the “Community co-innovation labs” phase.

Our Partners

EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment
Stay – on Newsletter 21.06.2024 Call no: 2020 – 1 Project Index No: 2020 – 1 – 0181 Lead partner: REZOS BRANDS ANONYMI EMPORIKI ETERIA IDON DIATROFIS ATIS NEWS#1Hello everyone!☀️ Summer is just around the corner here in Sicily, and we are thrilled to kick off a season...
Co-innovation lab in Italy: a real success!
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The First StayOn Co-Innovation Labs phase has finished!
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