Meath Partnership is a dynamic partnership company established in 2006 to deliver a range of rural, social and economic programmes at local level across County Meath in Ireland.
Meath Partnership aims at providing support and assistance to private individuals and community groups active at local level through capital grant aid, technical assistance, guidance and mentoring, information and support, training opportunities and development initiatives.
Meath Partnership will take on the role of community catalyst partner in the project, acting as a change agent that unlocks youth potential and assumes the responsibility for managing change activities in a community.
Meath is experiencing one of the highest rates of youth unemployment in Ireland. As Athboy and its rural hinterlands are recognized as being at risk of a double barrel burden of rural isolation and ‘brain drain’ to larger towns and counties, there is an increased need for provision of engaging opportunities for young people; particularly NEETs. Athboy has a limited number of educational opportunities for young people; particularly those who are not interested in formal education. There is a need for further advancement of farming practices and fresh ideas and creative solutions to the ongoing environmental crisis.

Our Partners

The First StayOn Co-Innovation Labs phase has finished!
NewsThe first StayOn Co-Innovation Labs have just finished, and they were a great success!The project partners engaged the Community Shapers in “Co-Innovation labs” aimed at involving the target group in creating a service or product or developing an ideal useful for...
Our Training Offer
Our training offerAt Meath Partnership, our StayOn participants took part in one of our training workshops and gained valuable and necessary skills for specific areas of the Irish rural labour market. Gel Polish Workshop Anatomy, diseases & disorders of natural...