Rezos Brands is a food-oriented Greek SME founded in 1983. The organization aims at contributing to the competitiveness of Europe, its sustainable economic growth and job
creation by promoting and strengthening synergies and cooperation among start-ups, SMEs, educational institutions and the third sector.
It’s the lead and community catalyst partner in the project, acting as project’s coordinator and as a change agent that unlocks youth potential and assumes the responsibility for managing change activities in a community.
Rezos Brands’s team can boast a long tradition of successful implementation of national and European projects. The organization’s European R&D Department carries out activities aimed at delivering support services for companies and individuals in line with the present and future trends of the European and global markets. More specifically, Rezos Brands adopted a “Farm to Fork” strategy, which includes extensive experience in enhancing the links among the cultivation, harvesting, processing, packaging, warehouse storing, marketing, and distribution of food. Thanks to its broad network, Rezos Brands works closely with local communities. The organization has, therefore, the relevant competences and experiences to organize training courses targeted at NEETs that combine theory and practical implementation of the objectives defined in the CNA. Guest lecturers and Rezos Brands’ experts in specific fields can tackle both the lack of profitability and sustainability of young aspiring farmers in the field. For instance, by transferring knowledge regarding “smart farming”, “environmental impact and agricultural waste management”. This will be coupled with mentoring and coaching that will run simultaneously to the training and continue throughout the remainder of the programme, including during the “Community co-projectation labs” phase.
Who is working on the project?
Project manager: Dimitrios K. Tsolis, MSc, PhD (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Communication manager: Anastasia Vlachou, MSc (Physicist and Applied Mathematics)

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