

 The main goal of the StayOn project is to empower young people, giving them the chance to stay on their land, helping them to get access to work and opportunities without going away from their communities.
The first training and coaching sessions have been now completed, and it is a pleasure to share real experiences that make us proud of our participants!


This is the success story of Joana Rijo.



Joana, a 26 years old girl from Fenais da Luz in São Miguel island, had her first session with coach Lisandra not that long ago.
Right from the beginning, she showed her interest in starting her own business, but she still did not have her area of interest fully established. The participant said that she liked to work in shifts, but not as a waitress, which is why the coach suggested that she apply for rent-a-car and other tour companies, in great demand at this time of summer. Joana structured a text to send by email to some companiesand, under the supervision of the coach, shared her availability with that said companies.
Fifteen days after joining StayOn, Joana had already received two job offers, one from a local rent-a-car company and the other from a tour guide company. She was able to try both and ended up choosing the later.
Joana is now very happy as a tour guide. “It has allowed me to grow professionally”, she said to her coach.

We all wish Joana the best of luck for her professional life!